
Showing posts from November, 2022

"You look exotic": What does it really mean?

This blog is the first (technically second) of a series where I will be discussing my mixed heritage experiences through things that have been said to me, and why they are wrong.  I first wrote about my experiences with being told " you're not really Chinese then, are you " by a member of my polo club, unknowingly setting in motion my entire race equity activism. I received a lot of feedback from that blog from individuals who related to it, connecting to a shared experience.  From that, I want to start a series of blogs that discuss particular racial microaggressions that on the surface, might seem okay, but in these deep dives will uncover the racist undertones.  So, lets start here. I went on a date a few years ago, nice man, seemed kind, no issues. Then, rather than asking about my heritage, he simply stated, " you look so exotic ".  At first, I took this as a compliment. I thought, oh hes saying it in a nice way, he must mean it in a good way, surely? Safe ...