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Showing posts from June, 2024

A need for Critical Mixed Race Studies in UK higher education

  When I say words like "mixedness", "liminal", "betwixt" or "between", what comes to mind?  From the 13th-15th June 2024, I had the privilege of attending/ presenting at the  Critical Mixed Race Studies  (CMRS) conference at Ohio State University in the United States, where these words were at the epicenter of discussions within a community, movement, and academic capacity.  As a 'mixed race' woman, it was a joy to be surrounded by a multitude of global and liminal identities throughout the day, embodying a sense of value for mixedness and how important this research truly is. Typically in the UK, mixedness is described in deficit terms, such as isolated and un-belonging, but this conference reconstructed this to something more complicated - not as something that has 'solved' racism, but also not something to be ashamed of.   In my talk, I discussed my paper "I'm not white": Counter-stories from 'mixed race'